I never planned to run voice workshops.

I never planned to run voice workshops. I just wanted to learn more Qi Gong! Then during my Qi Gong training, my teacher said, sound is such a massive part of your life why don't you introduce it into your classes. I thought ok, why not, lets give it a go!

It worked and another door opened.

Suddenly the Qi Gong gave me a frame work to build from and an amazing resource of easy to teach practices that support people to build more confidence around both their singing and their speaking voices.

To help others move through fears around being heard, feeling not good enough, the fear of getting it wrong, of not knowing what to do, of being nervous, being told to be quiet....

Singing can feel so vulnerable because it involves using one's own voice, which is deeply personal. It is a form of personal expression that can feel very scary to share, especially if there is a history of some form of judgemental criticism.

Research has shown that over 80% of people hold a wound around their singing voices.

So I am constantly humbled by what I witness in these 1-2-1 sessions, workshop and retreats. The courage it takes to lean into these vulnerable places, and the bravery and commitment people make to change. To be with what comes up when we actually allow ourselves to feel what is waiting to be felt. The liberation that comes as confidence grows, and people find their way into a more playful and empowered relationship with their voice - and consequently themselves.

For the past over 10 years I have witnessed this.

In this moment a memory from this summer springs to mind noticing the shyness at the beginning of the workshop. Awkward glances and hunched shoulders. After a few mins a shift as I introduce various different movement techniques the group began to relax and smiles begin to appear.

Fast forward another 20 minutes and everyone is singing, another 20 minutes and there are some counter melodies happening, then I am teaching harmonies, culminating in improvisation. It really is an epic experience. People who are petrified soften their fears, moving at their own pace, held by me, but also by the group itself. We are all in it together and slowly this fact in itself helps everyone grow in confidence and let go. In this letting go, I witness a growth in confidence and even bigger smiles. It truly is an incredibly beautiful process to be part of and facilitate.

I often share songs I have written in these sessions, such as Leap Of Faith, I am Enough or Be A Little Kinder.. they work really well, and this in itself is such a gift for me and this in itself has opened a whole other path that I just wasn't expecting.

Another memory jumps to mind from last summer where over 2,000 people joined me in singing I Am Enough at Medicine Festival - that was epic!

If you're curious about finding your voice and feeling more connected with yourself, then please send me a message to find out more about 1-2-1 sessions. I have some spaces opening up in the new year, so if one of them might have your name on it then get in touch. You can reply to me here and I'll send you the details, or sign up to the Transformation tier in my Patreon Wellbeing Community.

Patreon Well-Being Community

“As someone who usually only sings in the shower and is mortified to be overheard, I enjoyed Tallulah’s Voice workshop more than I could have believed possible! She is a wonderful facilitator, grounded, encouraging and loving. Under her guidance, I connected with my voice in a new way which I feel inspired to keep exploring and the whole group left the session humming and smiling.'— Rosie Pendlebaby - Togetherness Festival

Tallulah Rendall